

你的空调出毛病了吗? 也许它在制造噪音, 不寻常的噪音,或者它可能不像以前那样给你的房子降温. 您可能不确定系统的年龄, 就像你买的时候放在房子里一样.

While regular tune-ups and maintenance can help you prolong the life of your air conditioner, there will likely come a time when the system needs more than a basic tune-up. 在这一点上, you might find yourself having to decide if it is better to repair the unit or to replace it with a new model. If you are not sure whether it is better to repair 你的系统 or get a new one, 这里有一些建议可以帮助你做出决定.


在某些情况下, all that is needed to get your air conditioner running like almost-new again is a quick repair. 超  在某些情况下是否具有成本效益和适当性. 例如, 如果需要的维修是小的或不频繁的, 修理通常是有意义的, 而不是取代, 你的系统. 如果你的系统只需要一两个小的, 一年维修费用低廉, it most likely makes economic sense to repair it rather than invest in an entirely new system. 一旦你开始一年需要很多次修理, that is usually an indication 你的系统 is starting to fail and that a replacement might be more appropriate and cost-effective in the long run.


The age of your air conditioner can also help you decide whether repairing it is a good option or not. 尽管凡事总有例外, newer air conditioners are less likely to need extensive or frequent repairs compared to older models. An older model also tends to cost more to operate than newer, more energy-efficient options. 一个节能的空调可以帮助 减少约20%的冷却成本.


更换空调 在某些情况下是更好的选择吗. If you are starting to get the sense that a repair technician is visiting your home more often than not, 这通常是您的系统需要更换的标志. There are some other factors as well that can help you determine whether or not a replacement is a right call for you at this time:

  • 你的空调已经用了10多年了. 十年可以发生很多事情,尤其是在空调的使用寿命中. 不仅老旧的设备更容易出现问题, 但它不会像新车型那样高效. 空调效率要求 这些年来发生了什么变化. 如果你的空调是随房子一起送的, 或者你不确定你什么时候买的, you can often find the manufacturing date on the manufacturer’s nameplate on the unit or in the unit’s serial number.
  • 你的能源账单在上涨. 随着事物变老, 他们往往需要更加努力地完成同样的任务, 旧空调也是如此. 它经常不得不更加努力地保持你的家舒适. One way to see if 你的系统 is under strain is to take a peek at your energy bills. Are the bills for this year considerably higher than for last year or the year before? If so, it is likely because your air conditioner is 使用更多能源 to keep your home cool. 更换它可以帮助降低你的能源消耗.
  • 您的系统使用R-22制冷剂. At 2020年初R-22 (HCFC-22)制冷剂在美国的生产和进口.S. 结束了. While new air conditioning systems will not use R-22 and it is no longer possible to produce or import that refrigerant, 您可以继续使用使用它的空调. As long as your air conditioner continues to work and does not leak refrigerant, 你不需要更换它. 然而, 如果您的系统开始出现问题或泄漏, 它使用R-22制冷剂, it might make more sense to replace it with a new system that uses an alternative, 不会危害臭氧层制冷剂减少所带来的. 你的最佳选择, 在这种情况下, 是否安排与认证技术员的会诊, who can evaluate your air conditioner and help you decide the best way to proceed.


更换家里的空调系统 能使你的家庭在经济上和物质上都受益吗. 新空调或暖通空调系统的一些好处包括:

  • 改善室内空气质素: 通常,室内空气可以 质量较低或污染较严重 比外面的空气还要好. 造成室内空气质量差的因素有很多, 包括你家暖通空调或空调系统的状况. 如果您的系统较旧, the air filters are clogged or there is a lot of dust and debris in the ductwork, 灰尘和碎片很可能会在家里循环. Replacing the system and cleaning out the ductwork will help to improve the quality of the air inside. A poorly functioning HVAC or air conditioner can also contribute to elevated humidity levels inside the home. High humidity can trigger mold growth, which also affects indoor air quality. Getting a new system with more effective humidity control can help you and others in your household breathe easier.
  • 增加内心的平静: 安装了新系统, 以及一份服务协议,其中包括定期调整, you can feel confident that your air conditioner will be there to do its job, 当室外温度很高的时候,让你的家人保持凉爽和舒适. Upgrading your air conditioner to a newer model can give you peace of mind that it will continue to work and will be more reliable than a system that needs frequent repairs.


  • 更低的能源成本: 用节能的空调替换旧的空调, 新的型号将有助于降低你的电费. 一台新的空调可以从几个方面降低你的能源成本. First, energy-efficient models need less energy to operate, meaning your bills can be lower. 第二个, a new model that is in good working order is not going to need to work as hard as an older model that is starting to fail or decline. 虽然你需要花钱买一台新的空调或暖通空调系统, 融资方案有助于降低更换成本. long8国际手机版能源提供 零首付融资 对于合格的买家和低月供. 特别优惠及回扣 也能帮助人们更负担得起购买新系统吗.


Whether it makes sense to replace your furnace and air conditioner together depends on a few factors. 其中一个因素是每个系统的年龄. 如果两人都上了年纪, 比如十多岁, 同时更换它们是有意义的. It is also a good idea to replace the AC and furnace together if both use the same components. 例如, 如果你的空调用的是炉子的鼓风机, 然后一起升级系统是一个不错的选择. 升级到新的, energy-efficient air conditioner but continuing to use a blower that is not energy-efficient will not help you save money or reduce energy use.

long8国际手机版能源可以帮助您做出决定 whether replacing your cooling system on its own is the right option or whether you are better off replacing your heating and cooling systems simultaneously. You can schedule a free in-home appointment with one of our expert energy consultants to provide you with the best options for you and your home.


如果你的空调没有出现明显的问题, 你可能认为你不需要为此做任何事情. It could also be that 你的系统 has some seemingly small issues that do not seem like a cause for concern.

说到你的空调, it is better to zero in on the small problems and to be proactive about repairs and maintenance than it is to ignore issues or hope that they will resolve themselves. 等到问题变得严重, such as your air conditioner shutting off and refusing to operate on a hot day, can be more expensive than taking action the minute you notice something is up.

你的身体系统可能会给你一些不对劲的信号, 比如发出不寻常的声音, 使用更多能源, 或者更频繁地开关. 如果你叫一个技术人员来检查一下系统, 诊断问题, 建议一个行动方案宜早不宜迟, 你可能会花更少的钱,有更少的压力和挫折.



是时候 更换空调,还是需要一个 简单的维修? long8国际手机版能源可以帮助您做出决定. If you have noticed higher energy bills or a decline in your home’s comfort levels, scheduling a 免费能源咨询 with one of our certified, trained technicians can help you get to the root of the problem. 我们的一位技术人员将到你家去拜访, 检查你现有的设备, take measurements and listen to your needs and concerns before recommending a way to move forward.
如果是时候换一个新系统了, 我们可以帮助您选择最适合您家庭的设备, 根据它的大小和你的舒适需求. We can also help you choose the best way to pay for the new air conditioner, 无论是通过融资购买还是提前付款.
To learn more about how long8国际手机版能源 can help to improve your home’s total comfort, 立即龙8国long8娱乐手游.